Issue I - Everything Is Not Alright - Editorial
A wormhole is a speculative structure linking disparate points in spacetime. A tunnel through which one can enter another dimension. Seeking new dimensions seem necessary, as our school, a legendary and tradional place, massive and imposing, beloved or hated, but certainly romanticized, appear to be falling more and more out of space and time. Speaking frankly we are not only referring to recent cases of sexual harrasment, but the fact that we are facing sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, ageism, inappropriate comments, bullying, belittling, not being taken serious, not being treated equally, aggression and further systematic discrimination, often hidden behind a social fabric of „freedom“, „traditions“ and „good intentions“. To this day we are still missing a transparent and up-to-date reaction to these issues. Even though the lack of comtemporaneity and communication comes a no surprise, within a building still without Wifi-access for everyone. This newspaper is about giving voice to untold stories, visibility and encouraging to bring change about. It is a magnifying glass for viewpoints, that you may never have come across before – made possible by the voices of questioners, critics and spies, with the support of dear friends and allies. It is a spontaneous collaboration containing various forms of contributions that question, comment on or illustrate our current situation from a subjective point of view. Cast a glimpse into alternative realities of the D-dorf Art Academy.
Elvira Axt
Nara Bak
Die Römischen Votzen
Sarah Doolan
Frankfurter Hauptschule
Luki von der Gracht
Rebecca Grundmann
Jorge Loureiro
Mira Mann
Harkeerat Mangat
Sean Mullan
Cristiana Cott Negoescu
Murat Önen
Lukas Panek
Sophie Ramirez
Fabian Ruzicka
Hedda Schattanik
Thomas Artur Spallek
Lea Torcelli
Elija Wagmann
Anna Roy Winder
Thomas Arthur Spallek
Nina Zahner
Valerie Anna Zwoboda
Zeynep Fulya Aday
Camille Batteux
Nadine Karl
Larissa Klerx
Mira Posingies
Sophie Ramirez
Sophie Schnellbach